
A Measure of Respect

Attended a farewell lunch for a senior colleague Ms.J yesterday. She been with the department for a good six years. Ms. J is a good supervisor and senior to her charges and very skill at her work. She is always willing to help out and find solutions. A well liked staff, always cool under pressure. Initial plans was to have the gathering at TGIF cause that Ms. J’s favorite hangout. Of course it’s wasn’t a request from her, rather, we in the department felt that she deserves it. However, after much consideration due to budget limitation of the department we kinda end up in a Thai place in Sham Alam. Had a pretty good time there, not too bad a place to have lunch too. It’s my second time in two years to this place, Shah Alam is not exactly my cuppa. Anyhoo, we also brought an ice cream cake for her along with ice cream for all who attended. Altogether, there was 20 ppl there, from our whole department, to other departments as well as some members from our affiliated companies. There was much fun fare all around and I can say that this is the first time anyone has got a cake for a farewell, before that, none what so ever.

There was another senior staff, Ms. K who was with us for about three years, she also serve at a critical capacity like Ms. J. On learning about Ms. K resignation, the overall reaction on her last day at the office was treated as business as usual, even by her own staff who reports to her. There was no lunch, nor one was planned….there was no initiative to get together for a farewell, zero! No cakes and no ice cream nor a card….just a handshake, a good luck mentioned that’s all. Now, you might say that it was a little inhumane to do so but you see, Ms. K’s conduct in the department is far from smooth, she’s the demanding type, likes to act like the boss but not technical in her work, never showed a proper solution nor follow up on her own work and likes to shoe polish her superiors including telling on other ppls work performance and mistakes. Ms. K is not a popular person in the department.

What I’m saying here is that, where ever we are working, is always a human issue that we are dealing and being a team player is most critical, even when you are in-charge over a team of ppl, especially when you’re a leader of some capacity. Some are born leaders; while others need to learn how to become one and some are just plain dictators. Well, if the person is a company director, then maybe he can be a tyrant but not when the person is a senior exec. Ppl will judge you from behind and at the end of the analysis, the result will show very clearly if that person is a good leader and if there is any genuine respect for that person or just a tosser.